¡The great public space of Antofagasta! This project will make it possible to consolidate the coastal border as the main urban and natural attraction of the city with a system of landmarks, routes and areas that integrate the entire coastal border in a large park from La Portada to Coloso, giving value to the public space more important of the city.

  • The Parque Borde Costero Antofagasta (PBCA) arises as a response from the management and urban design for the coastline as a great public space that redefines the vocation of a city, whose origin was predominantly port and that will allow to substantially close the access gaps he public space of the city, especially to the north and south, to develop a pole of economic activation and serve as a great place for social gathering, which has been designed to ensure access and equitable use for people.
  • It is an unprecedented initiative of urban management and articulation in Chile, of multisectoral, public – social – private collaboration, where public sectorial, regional, municipal and private sector resources are also concurring, and where CREO Antofagasta is acting as an articulating entity of the alliance that drives the collective action initiative, in addition to being involved in the design of the projects.
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